About the Company
eSave, a Swiss pioneer SMI company, converts traditional lighting infrastructure to cost-effective LED technology. The Smart Lights have dimmable controllers and motion sensors. When there is no movement, the lights remain dimmed and automatically increase the brightness only when they detect motion on the street. Additionally, the solution also supports weather stations, heat maps, and radar mapping to generate radio waves that provide data which can be used to reinforce security in that area.
The Project Challenges
eSave is very well established in the DACH region. To enter the market outside of this region eSave was looking for a reliable partner and got in contact with Panitek. As the market and the weather conditions are very different in India, Panitek set up a lighthouse project to give proof of concept. Together with TERI, Panitek set up the pilot project that we inaugurated in October 2021 by his Excellency Dr. Ralf Heckner, ambassador of Switzerland to India and Bhutan, Rico Kramer, CEO eSave, Dr. Vibha Dhawan, TERI Gram and Dr. Pankaj Agarwal, Founder and CEO, Panitek.
Current Stage of project
The data analysis of the lighthouse project showed remarkable results: over 70% energy savings compared to keeping the lights at full brightness. With this successful lighthouse project, the business plan and an innovative business model for the Indian market we partnered with an established Indian company in the lightening sector and have founded Panitek Smart Energy. See our joint venture here www.panitek-smart-energy.com.
Details about the lighthouse project:

Lighthouse project at TERI Gram
Project brief:
36 smart LEDs with dimmable drivers and controllers
Mesh type neighbouring light control
One gateway with 4G sim slot to connect with cloud server
One PM sensor to check pollution level
Daily consumption by streetlights at TERI
9768 Wh/day Before installing Smart Lights
3000 Wh/day After installing smart Lights
Daily CO2 emission due to streetlights at TERI
8.1 kg/day Before installing Smart Lights
2.5 kg/day After installing smart Lights
Testimonial by Dr. Vibha Dhawan, Director General TERI
‘The lighthouse project has brought us energy saving, comfortable lighting as per our requirement and contributed to a healthier living environment for the bird’s habitat at TERI Gram. We hope this inspires many others to adopt this smart lighting system.’

Learn more about the project
Get more information: Vedant Rathi, vedant.rathi@panitek.com
Lean more about Panitek Smart Energy: Link to Panitek-smart-energy.com
Learn more about eSave: Link to esave.ch
Learn more about Panitek: Link to Panitek.com